School Vacation Camps Registration

Full Day CampHalf Day Camp
Two Weeks$800/Week$500/Week
One Week$875/Week$575/Week
1-4 Days$200/Day$125/Day
  • Note: One way or round-trip transportation may be arranged at an additional cost.

    Name of the person filling out this form

    Player Information

    Contact Information

    School Vacation Camps**

    Please select:

    Program Type*

    Do you want transportation?*

    Transportation Information

    How did you hear about us?*

    Please remember that enrollment is limited and spaces are reserved on a first-come, first serve basis upon receipt of a completed application, placement and payment. Credits for cancellations by customer are issued at Stadium Tennis Center’s sole discretion. While Stadium Tennis Center will try to accommodate makeup requests, makeups for cancellations by customer are not always possible and therefore not guaranteed. We have a strict NO REFUNDS policy. I understand and acknowledge that the risk of injury is inherent in any program involving physical activity. As the Parent/Guardian of *, I hereby waive and release any and all full rights and claims for damages I may have against NY Tennis at Mill Pond LLC, Gotham City Tennis, LLC, the City of New York (“the Indemnities”) its principals, agents, staff and tennis professionals, for any and all injuries sustained by the player. The Indemnities are relieved of any liability whether or not caused in whole or part by the Indemnities. I so hereby give my consent to medical emergency or otherwise, inclusive of necessary transportation in order to receive treatment in the event of injury or any other illness with my child. Furthermore, I expressly agree that the Indemnities shall not have any liability in the event that a participant contracts a virus or disease, including COVID, during the term of the program, and expressly waives any right to bring such a claim. In addition, I understand and agree that NY Tennis at Mill Pond LLC retains the right to expel my child from its programs if he/she engages in conduct that is dangerous or disruptive to its programs. I further agree that images or pictures of my child may be used for advertising or marketing purposes.