Adult Tennis Program Placement Request and Registration

    Player Information

    Contact Information

    Please select your preferred program*

    Do you want to form your own group?
    If so, we're happy to help. Please list the names of the individuals you would like us to contact:

    How did you hear about us?*

    Credits for cancellations by customer are issued at Stadium Tennis Center’s sole discretion. No refunds. I understand and acknowledge that the risk of injury is inherent in any program involving physical activity. I, *, hereby waive and release any and all full rights and claims for damages I may have against Stadium Tennis Center, NYTennis at Mill Pond LLC, The City of New York, its principals, agents, staff and tennis professionals, for any and all injuries sustained by the player. NY Tennis at Mill Pond, LLC is hereby relieved of any liability as a result of negligence. I so hereby give my consent to medical emergency or otherwise, inclusive of necessary transportation in order to receive treatment in the event of injury or any other illness.